On 2013-09-27 09:54, Phillip Hallam-Baker wrote:

Quite, who on earth thought DER encoding was necessary or anything other than incredible stupidity?

I have yet to see an example of code in the wild that takes a binary data structure, strips it apart and then attempts to reassemble it to pass to another program to perform a signature check. Yet every time we go through a signature format development exercise the folk who demand canonicalization always seem to win.

DER is particularly evil as it requires either the data structures to be assembled in the reverse order or a very complex tracking of the sizes of the data objects or horribly inefficient code. But XML signature just ended up broken.

We have a compiler that generates C code from ASN.1 code. Does it not generate code behind the scenes that does all this ugly stuff for us without us having to look at the code?

I have not actually used the compiler, and I have discovered that hand generating code to handle ASN.1 data structures is a very bad idea, but I am told that if I use the compiler, all will be rainbows and unicorns.

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