On 12/16/2010 04:46 PM, Steven Bellovin wrote:

I've known Angelos Keromytis since about 1997; he's now a colleague
of mine on the faculty at Columbia.  I've known John Ioannidis -- the
other name attached to that code -- for considerably longer.  I've
written papers with both of them.  To anyone who knows them, the
thought that either would insert a bug at the FBI's behest is, shall
we say, preposterous.

For the record, though I don't know him, I agree with that sentiment.

There were some wild accusations made and widely repeated, I'm trying my best to stick to facts and not direct accusations about anyone.

There was a need for facts, so I went diving into CVS logs and mailing list archives. This is some of the stuff I found that might fit the claims. I would be very reluctant to draw any conclusions for a long time.

Possibly the thing which gets proven here is that even high-quality clean C code is very difficult to make provable statements about, even with the benefit of hindsight.

- Marsh
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