On Sat, Apr 2, 2011 at 10:22 AM, Tom Ritter <t...@ritter.vg> wrote:
>> At most, I would think you'd only be able to collect a few bits.
> Agreed, I think using anything but the lowest bits would be dangerous.
>  But most smartphones (especially ones with GPS sensors) have other
> sensors that would be better contributors of entropy, and aren't
> monitorable by any remote adversary: Acceleration, Orientation,
> Microphone, Camera, probably some others.  You may also be able to get
> some bits from the Antenna and Wifi Signals Strengths as well.
Agreed. I even have a finger drawing program to extract random bits
(if the user desires).

> But, most phone API's already provide a random number generator they
> say is cryptographically sound.  Java's SecureRandom on Android,
> SecRandomCopyBytes on iOS, net.rim.device.api.crypto.RandomSource on
> Blackberry, System.Security.Cryptography.RNGCryptoServiceProvider on
> Windows, and CreateRandomL on Symbian.  Is there a particular reason
> you distrust or can't use one of those?
Two reasons. The first is due diligence (paranoia?), the second is feasibility.

For paranoia, I don't want to place 100% trust in the OS provided
gear. For example, Ray Marsh recently discussed some considerations
with Free BSD's prng. For me, its easier to use Crypto++'s X9.17
generator, and add extra entropy as required.

For feasibility, I have some background tasks I need to perform
(namely, zeroization). On Apple's iPhone, background processes are
restricted to programs performing certain duties. Processing location
data is one of the approved duties. So if I consume location data, I
can enter the background and perform the other tasks.

I know zeroization is another can of worms due to wear leveling. But
if I can't execute, I can't perform zeroization and the game is over
before it begins.

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