On Sep 13, 2011, at 7:14 PM, Ralph Holz wrote:

> Hi,
>>>> HTTPS Everywhere makes users encounter this situation more than they
>>>> otherwise might.
>>> A week or three ago, I got cert warnings - from gmail's page.  (Yes, I'm 
>>> using HTTPS Everywhere).
>> When _that_ happens, please tell Google and EFF.  I'm sure both
>> organizations would be fascinated.
> I would also be very interested to hear from where that happened, and if
> you can give us a traceroute...

Yes please! And (if possible) also capture the certificate...

I see this fairly often at hotels that implement a captive portal for sign-on / 
billing. If it wasn't from something like this, *please* see if you can hunt it 
down again...


> Ralph
> -- 
> Dipl.-Inform. Ralph Holz
> I8: Network Architectures and Services
> Technische Universität München
> http://www.net.in.tum.de/de/mitarbeiter/holz/
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