On 2011-12-01 2:03 PM, ianG wrote:
If a CA is issuing sub-CAs for the purpose of MITMing, is this a reason
to reset the entire CA? Or is it ok to do MITMing under certain nice

It seems our CA system has come to resemble our audit system and our financial system.

In very white rural areas, you will see stuff for sale on an honor system. Go in, help yourself, and put the money in the box. Where I now live, people often leave their house without locking the door behind them. That is how "rednecks" behave.

As the community becomes more vibrant and diverse the high level of trust required for western institutions makes those institutions non viable. We have to reconstruct our institutions for third world trust levels and southern European trust levels. Institutions characteristic of Europe and the old North America are no longer capable of functioning, have not been capable of functioning for some time.

On the other hand, a paranoid environment, where everything has to be locked, and every claim has to be provable, is good business for cryptographers. One can create institutions that will function well in such an environment, it is just trickier.

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