> But as SHA-2 is still a pure Merkle–Damgård construction it deviates
>>  from an ideal pseudorandom function or random oracle in a couple of
>> ways.
>> Firstly, and most significantly, it is subject to length extension
>> attacks. This means that given a hash value of some secret message,
>> we can compute the hash value of that message with our own chosen
>> plaintext appended without needing to know the original message. This
>> is surprising to many protocol designers!
> Well, that's a surprise to me.  But on reflection, the reason it is a
> surprise that I (we?) never considered that feature is because we would
> never ever rely on it.  It's like saying, oh, gosh, we can use SHA1 to
> protect against buffer overruns!  Happy Days!
> More vitally it allows people that've heard and the hash of the message
"Give:john:coin:20" to create AND SIGN the message
"Give:john:coin:20000000". It's a bit of an unusual attack though,
especially since we usually have length fields. It could push other data
out of the message though. It really depends on the protocol. I certainly
scratched behind the ears when I read this. There was a paper on authentic
cookies without server side state: take the cookie's content, append a
secret, hash it and put the hash after the rest of the cookie. If you put
data in a sort of URL-encoded manner into the cookie that creates a large
potential threat.

My understanding is that the SHA-3 finalists address these issues.
> Meanwhile, notwithstanding excitement nearly a decade ago now, SHA1
> still chugs on.  And software engineering's got your back.
> That's not to say that the SHA3 comp was unneeded.  But it wasn't the
> same level of necessity that AES had.

I wasn't around for that competition. SHA3 certainly isn't "urgent" for the
industry, if they need more security they usually just enlarge n (more
bits) and it'll quickly suffice. Being proactive is very nice though.
Adaptation of anything is usually really slow. Having SHA3 around in a
tested and production ready state will increase our security more than it
has to? Great.

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