Dear readers,

I've written an iOS / Mac application whose goal it is to produce passwords for 
any purpose.  I was really hoping for the opportunity to receive some critical 
feedback or review of the algorithm used[1].


With an increasing trend of web applications requiring users to register 
accounts, we find ourselves with countless accounts.  Ideally, each should have 
a different password, so that authenticating yourself for one account doesn't 
reveal your credentials of other accounts.  That becomes really hard when 
you've got tens or hundreds of passwords to remember.

Solutions exist, mostly in the form of password "vaults" that list your 
passwords and get stored in an encrypted form.  Other solutions send your 
passwords off to be stored on some company's cloud service.

Master Password is different in that it generates passwords based purely off of 
a user's master password and the name of the site.  That means you need no 
storage and have a fully offline algorithm that needs nothing more than what 
you can remember easily.

I'm rather a notice in the field of security (certainly in comparison to some 
of you), and I was hoping that some of you might find the time to have a look 
at the algorithm and see if there are any obvious flaws or risks to the 
security and integrity of the solution.

As a side-note, the iOS application, Master Password, is fully open-source[2] 
under the GPLv3.  If any of you speak fluent Objective-C, it would be awesome 
if they could have a peek at the source code as well.

Any feedback is welcome, bash it to bits if you must. :-)

Thanks alot,
Maarten Billemont


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