On 28/10/12 12:47 PM, Patrick Pelletier wrote:

Just a slow sunday morning so I thought I'd dive in on one point. For the rest, nodding.

The other thing that bugged me a bit was in the infamous rand(3ssl) man

        3.  The state should be very large.  If the RNG is being used
            to generate 4096 bit RSA keys, 2 2048 bit random strings
            are required (at a minimum).  If your RNG state only has
            128 bits, you are obviously limiting the search space to
            128 bits, not 2048.  I'm probably getting a little
            carried away on this last point but it does indicate that
            it may not be a bad idea to keep quite a lot of RNG
            state.  It should be easier to break a cipher than guess
            the RNG seed data.

This seems to contradict the advice given on Linux's random(4) man page:

        The  amount  of  seed material required to generate a crypto‐
        graphic key equals the effective key size of  the  key.   For
        example,  a 3072-bit RSA or Diffie-Hellman private key has an
        effective key size of 128 bits

This is comparing apples to oranges, which needs to be done with care and understanding. Go to keylength.net and poke around at the algorithms used; there is no better lesson in this, and it's worth 10 minutes of play.

In essence the 3072 relates to asymmetric (apples) algorithms, whereas the 128 relates to symmetric (oranges). We can approximate the strengths of these by converting the 3072 down to 128 but this is an approximation (albeit backed up by research). It is designed to allow us to more happily pair the algorithms together for a balanced result, not to make decisions of how many bits of entropy are required for each algorithm.

(it requires about 2^128 oper‐
        ations  to  break) so a key generator only needs 128 bits (16
        bytes) of seed material from /dev/random.

I do not believe either of those statements follow. There are plenty of algorithms out there that require X random input bits, but only deliver Y bits of security when Y is some number less than X and Y is some apples-and-oranges comparison standard. It simply doesn't follow that all algorithms are efficient, and we don't even have a definition of efficiency at this level.

        While some safety margin above that minimum is reasonable, as
        a  guard  against  flaws  in  the CPRNG algorithm, no crypto‐
        graphic primitive available today can hope  to  promise  more
        than  256 bits of security, so if any program reads more than
        256 bits (32 bytes) from the kernel random pool  per  invoca‐
        tion,  or  per  reasonable reseed interval (not less than one
        minute), that should be taken as a sign that its cryptography
        is not skilfully implemented.

I don't believe the Linux pages are skilfully written :)

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