ianG wrote:
On 1/11/12 10:55 AM, Peter Gutmann wrote:
Jeffrey Walton <noloa...@gmail.com> writes:

Is anyone aware of of application layer encryption protocols with session
management tuned for use on cellular networks?


From that description your problem isn't at the encryption-protocol level at
all, you need a reliable transport mechanism for cellular networks,


Also, crypto tends to solve things that apply broadly across the layers, so if a design incorporates crypto right from the start, and uses those results broadly, benefits ensue

I am very novice at Host Identity Protocol, I encountered it while making a quick survey of Internet protocols with a perspective similar to the original post.

HIP addresses Host Identity *and* end-to-end security. The rendez-vous functionality (addressing the mobility use case) seems in the design right from the start.

HIP also appears as a lightweight IPsec, but certainly others can offer more wisdom in this respect.

Not a simple solution, but how could the original post requirements be adequately served by a simple solution?


- Thierry Moreau

CONNOTECH Experts-conseils inc.
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Montreal, QC, Canada H2M 2A1

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