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On Nov 3, 2012, at 7:03 PM, Peter Gutmann <pgut...@cs.auckland.ac.nz> wrote:

> Jon Callas <j...@callas.org> writes:
>> Which immediately prompts the question of "what if it's long or secret?" [1]
>> This attack doesn't work on that.
> The "asymmetric-as-symmetric" was proposed about a decade ago as a means of
> protecting against new factorisation attacks, and was deployed as a commercial
> product.  I don't recall them keeping the exponent secret because there wasn't
> any need to... until now that is.  So I think Taral's comment about not using
> crypto in novel ways is quite apropos here, the asymm-as-sym concept only
> protected you against the emergence of novel factorisation attacks (or the use
> of standard factorisation attacks on too-short keys) as long as no-one
> bothered trying to attack the public-key-hiding itself.

Point taken. I'm being too grumpy. 

I think this is a brilliant result because it gives us a "see, see" reference 
to give to people.

I'm big on sneering at proofs of security because they often do not relate to 
real security in the real world in ways that upset me (a guy whose degree is in 
mathematical logic) to my core. If you want the same sort of rigor that math 
has, security is useless.

On the other hand, and Hal Finney drove this home to me many times, they do 
tell you what sort of things you can ignore. 

This one is great because of the way it slaps intuition around.

>> If you believe that the only attack against RSA is factoring the modulus,
>> then you can be seduced into thinking that hiding the modulus makes the
>> attacker's job harder. 
> Yup, and that was the flaw in the reasoning behind the keep-the-public-key-
> secret system.  So this a nice textbook illustration of why not to use crypto
> in novel ways based purely on intuition.

There are all sorts of things people do based on an intuition. Hell, I've done 
them. Sometimes they just present themselves. If I had a protocol that didn't 
expose public keys (suppose they're all wrapped in a secure transfer), I might 
point out that hey, this system has hidden RSA keys. But this points out that 
unless there is a lot of extra work you do, you didn't do squat. It also 
suggests that the conservative engineering approach, which is to say that 
unless you can characterize added security it's just fluff, has new backing in 


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