----- Forwarded message from Matthew Ahrens <mahr...@delphix.com> -----

From: Matthew Ahrens <mahr...@delphix.com>
Date: Thu, 14 Feb 2013 13:32:35 -0800
To: z...@lists.illumos.org
Subject: Re: [zfs] Edon-R hashing and dedup
Reply-To: z...@lists.illumos.org

On Mon, Feb 11, 2013 at 6:22 AM, Sašo Kiselkov <skiselkov...@gmail.com>wrote:

> So I've been talking to some people around storage and found out that
> SHA-256 hashing *is* a significant cost in implementing dedup.

I know  I'm arriving late to this discussion.  For my own understanding,
I'd like to attempt to summarize the various positions and get everyone's

SHA-256 is slow; we'd like to find a faster algorithm to replace it, which
will use less CPU.  Such a replacement must be usable for dedup without
verification.  (Performance and behavior with verification is a secondary
concern to the points outlined here.)

Dedup inherently relies on probabilistic correctness: if there is a hash
collision, incorrect data will be returned.  This is true even with the
best hash algorithms (including SHA-256), and even without the possibility
of storing malicious data.  However, the probability involved is
exceedingly small.  Given 2^64 bytes (16 exabytes) in 8KB blocks, the odds
of a collision are approximately 1/2^155. This is less likely than
consecutively buying 5 jackpot-winning lottery tickets (assuming lottery
odds 1/100 million).

Dedup is sometimes used with user-generated data (i.e. untrusted, possibly
malicious users provide the data to store).  In the case, the hash
algorithm should be such that it is infeasible to find a block which hashes
to a given value.  Otherwise an untrusted user may cause ZFS to return
incorrect data.

Dedup is sometimes used only with trusted data (i.e. none of the data can
be maliciously generated).  In this case, the algorithm need only
distribute input blocks evenly over all 2^256 possible hash values.  It is
OK if it is feasible to find a block with a given hash value, because the
risk associated is no worse than the ideal case (e.g 1/2^155 chance of
returning incorrect data with the workload described above).

SHA-256 is currently used for both of these use cases (trusted and
untrusted data).  So a replacement should also be usable for both.

Optionally, we could implement a third, even faster, algorithm for use only
in the trusted case.  Some people believe that this choice may be misused
(i.e. used even when the data can not be trusted), and therefore this
option should not be offered.

I'm not an expert in crypto algorithms; I've only read the wikipedia page
on the SHA-3 competition (
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/NIST_hash_function_competition).  Being fairly
paranoid mainly due to my lack of expertise in this area, I would prefer to
choose one of the finalists as a replacement for SHA-256.  It sounds like
BLAKE and Skein have reasonable performance.

I think that the easiest way forward will be to first agree on a
high-performance replacement for SHA-256, which is usable in all cases that
SHA-256 is, including with untrusted data. We can then evaluate demand for
an even faster algorithm to be used only with trusted data.


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