On 10/03/13 20:25 PM, yersinia wrote:
On Sun, Mar 10, 2013 at 12:20 PM, D. J. Bernstein <d...@cr.yp.to
<mailto:d...@cr.yp.to>> wrote:

    Ryan Sleevi writes:
     > What use case makes the "NaCl" algorithms (whose specification is
     > 'use NaCl', which boils down to "Use Salsa+Curve25519") worthwhile?

    Of course, this doesn't imply that NaCl is what developers want, but
    high-profile applications such as DNSCrypt are in fact using NaCl in
    ways that seem easily generalizable to other applications.

There are linux distributions that do not consider or cite NaCl. If an
Open Source developer did not follow other sources of discussion he not
would know it. I dunno why. Perhaps it is due to the FIFS 140. I am
sorry if the observation is OT.

One would hope that someone would put a little more thought into crypto than "it's available in Linux...."


Oh my, 11 popular crypto libraries.  Wait, I've got an idea...


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