On 19/05/13 22:41 PM, Jacob Appelbaum wrote:
This patent by Microsoft may be of interest to those looking into Skype,
automated interception and probably many other kinds of interception -
note that this is not just a matter of recording, it in fact *tampers*
with the data:

"Aspects of the subject matter described herein relate to silently
recording communications. In aspects, data associated with a request to
establish a communication is modified to cause the communication to be
established via a path that includes a recording agent. Modification may
include, for example, adding, changing, and/or deleting data within the
data. The data as modified is then passed to a protocol entity that uses
the data to establish a communication session. Because of the way in
which the data has been modified, the protocol entity selects a path
that includes the recording agent. The recording agent is then able to
silently record the communication."


Note that this is from 2009 and the Skype purchase was not finalized
until 2011.

Perhaps the authors (Ghanem; George; (Redmond, WA) ; Bizga; Lawrence
Felix; (Monroe, WA) ; Khanchandani; Niraj K.; (Redmond, WA)) of that
patent are open to discussing how they might improve on their patent for
a peer to peer system as deployed today? :)

I found that patent snippet interesting. Has Microsoft really patented the MITM? Is this a cunning plot to defeat Mallory by hitting him with IPR violations? The bind moggles...

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