I guess I should've said what my use case is:
I want a boot system that unlocks a partition where everything is
checked to prevent an evil maid attack. I can sign / check everything
but the key and the integrity checker. However, someone could replace
gpg with a version that logs to something. I could use some system
like tripwire to check the files but this just moves the vulnerable
component to something else.

Maybe it's possible to use a signed kernel module that does the
integrety checking of the files via a hash that could be compiled into
the kernel?

Again, this is for a boot system. So I'm in initramfs at this point
(shouldn't matter but just thought I'd mention it).

On Wed, May 29, 2013 at 1:58 AM, Erick Staal <elst...@xs4all.nl> wrote:
> Herewith my 2c:
> - run static code analyzer against GPG source code (e.g. llvm's scan-build).
> Verify GPG source code against keys provided after downloading. (Of course
> is manual inspection also a possibility, but at least for our team
> scan-build catches more errors than the humans involved).
> - Question: do you trust your toolchain?.
> - Compile from inspected source on a different (never Internet connected and
> cleanly installed) system.
> - generate checksums on binary and other related files.
> - generate GPG keys.
> - burn GPG binary and GPG keys to CD.
> - mount CD (read-only) on system-at-risk using a cd-player without writing
> capability.
> - run GPG from CD.
> Caveat: doesn't protect against e.g. live in-memory attacks on running GPG
> and/or on data presented to user on screen, but minimizes the risk for a lot
> of other possible mischief.
> Criticisms concerning cookbooklet above more than welcome.
> Sincerely, Erick
> On 05/29/2013 07:20 AM, shawn wilson wrote:
>> This is sort of a trusting trust question. However, is there a way to
>> have gpg verify it has not been altered? Maybe by compiling it with an
>> internal key file and it asking for a password before decrypting
>> itself and then presenting some type of verification. I'm asking
>> whether something like this exists or is possible? Ie, how does
>> malware do integrety checking / try to thwart people from running it
>> if something is amiss? Can this type of thing be put into gpg?
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