On Jun 25, 2013, at 5:38 PM, Thor Lancelot Simon wrote:

> On Tue, Jun 25, 2013 at 05:17:04PM -0400, Bill Scannell wrote:
>> This Daily Beast story on Causa Snowden 
>> (http://www.thedailybeast.com/articles/2013/06/25/greenwald-snowden-s-files-are-out-there-if-anything-happens-to-him.html)
>>  contains the following sentence: 
>> "Last week NSA Director Keith Alexander told the House Permanent Select 
>> Committee on Intelligence that Snowden was able to access files inside the 
>> NSA by fabricating digital keys that gave him access to areas he was not 
>> allowed to visit as a low-level contractor and systems administrator. "
>> How would one fabricate a digital key?
> Presumably using administrative access to the machinery of a certificate
> authority or a signing system for security assertions.

That makes sense.  I figured that the easiest way would be through the CA.  
While I understand the NSA paradox in that the lower one is in their 
organization, the more one knows, what puzzles me is how or why a random 
low-level contractor would have root CA access, assuming that was the case.
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