On 10/08/13 01:59 AM, coderman wrote:
On Fri, Aug 9, 2013 at 1:14 PM, John Young <j...@pipeline.com> wrote:
NSA statement today on Missions, Authorties, Oversight, Partnerships:


again we see the fallacy of "not a search/collection until reviewed by
an analyst."...

Yup. Deeper than that, they are now engaged in propaganda and long term political manipulation of the mente americanus:

While NSA had incercepted some of Midhar's conversations with persons in an al-Qa'ida safe house in Yemen in that period, NSA did not have the US phone number or any indication that the phone Midhar was using was located in San Diego. NSA did not have the tools or the database to search to identify these connections and share them with the FBI. Several programmes to address.......

The policy goal is to go domestic. The public is being prepared. (The needs for court approval will also fall by the wayside.)

Oh well. This is a domestic USA issue, nothing interesting here for us foreigners. We're already signed up for their loyalty programme.

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