On Sat, Sep 14, 2013 at 7:08 PM, Jeffrey Goldberg <jeff...@goldmark.org> wrote:
> On 2013-09-13, at 9:28 AM, David D <da...@7tele.com> wrote:
> Obviously, we should insist on due process for the NSA stooges. If they 
> confess their activities and name their co-conspirators, we may allow them 
> some limited role, but those who don’t cooperate will need to be dealt with 
> more firmly, for the good of their souls and for our community.
Ship them off to Guantanamo Bay. They are more dangerous to the
democracy, the country and its citizens than Bin Laden and friends.
Or, put a bullet in their heads like they did Bin Laden. It makes no
difference to me as long as we are rid of them.

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