On 12/21/2013 10:04 PM, Eduardo Robles Elvira wrote:
The obvious problem with this is that namecoin doesn't have all the
domain names already registered assigned to the current owners, and
there's no arbitration authority that can prevent domain cibersquatting.

This is not a weakness of namecoin, but a weakness of human readable names.

Why does coke.ch lead to the website of the Coca Cola Company, and not an informational website on heroin addiction? Because someone at that company decided to "cibersquat" this domain.

So I can register all the important domains: microsoft, ebay, google,
nsa, whitehouse,

They are only important if you value e-commerce, advertising and the US institutions more than the alternatives that could exist.

The solution to this is that names should not claimed, they should be given by the community that values the association. Neither DNS nor namecoin allows for that, so both are inadequate. As an example, consider how Wikipedia pages are named: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Coke

This is painfully obvious, and yet we are mentally stuck in an authoritative model of naming. If the use of words (in spoken language) were assigned like this, we would hate it.


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