Alright guys. You can call me a conspiracy theorist if you want but whether you 
realize this or not it is a real threat.  I have seen micro etching with a 
laser and this is not it. This stuff is mobile. It burns me up when people call 
me crazy about what I found. Everyone knows that the DOD funnels insane amounts 
of money into defense technologies throught DARPA and DIARPA. When I found this 
stuff It puzzled me because I could not imagine what could etch something like 
what I saw. I know I am not crazy.  Lets ask ourselves this question;  How does 
 Moores law apply to the government as opposed to the public?  MIT is the most 
advanced Technological institute in the world and their funding per year is 
only ~4 billion.  How many billions do you think the DOD realistically funnels 
into covert intelligence and surveillance tech programs every year. Im not 
going to ramble on this any longer as many of you take me for a fool. If I were 
you I would
 remember what I have said. I am a fairly intelligent person and I know what I 
P.S- dont worry about that air gap!

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