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Cryptography (describes RbNaCl):

RbNaCl is a Ruby FFI binding to the Networking and Cryptography Library by
Dan Bernstein and his collaborators:

Version 3.0 includes a new "SimpleBox" API designed to be the most
straightforward API for cryptography possible. It automatically uses a
random nonce per message (using libsodium's randombytes implementation
which pulls from /dev/urandom on *IX and CryptGenRandom on Windows).
Simplebox is usable for both public-key and secret-key cryptography:

Full list of changes from 2.0 below:

* Rename RandomNonceBox to SimpleBox (backwards compatibility preserved)
* Reverse documented order of SimpleBox/RandomNonceBox initialize
parameters. Technically backwards compatible, but confusing.
* Ensure all strings are ASCII-8BIT/BINARY encoding prior to use

Tony Arcieri
cryptography mailing list

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