On 3/20/2015 6:56 PM, Michael Kjörling wrote:
On 20 Mar 2015 15:11 -0400, from kevinsisco61...@gmail.com (Kevin):
I was tempted by the promise of software to run a one-time pad on my
machine.  I am a fool and I fall upon my own sword.
An unauthenticated one-time pad is trivial to implement; it's
literally a few lines of code in any reasonably modern language, and a
handful of lines of code in less modern ones.

The hard part, as has been pointed out in this thread, is to generate
and handle the _pad_.

imho, this is not as difficult as you say. using a time-date stamp as part of your seed. the real difficulty is in the length of the key. rounding & other calculations errors will quickly interfere. but, for up to 500 characters, the length of the avg email, imho, you can produce a non-reusable pad
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