On 5/26/2015 2:01 PM, coderman wrote:
On 5/25/15, Russell Leidich <pke...@gmail.com> wrote:
Enranda is a cryptographically secure (in the postquantum sense) true
random number generator requiring nothing but a timer (ideally, the CPU
timestamp counter). It produces roughly 4 megabytes of noise per second,
which puts it in the same bandwidth league as physical quantum dot entropy
sources (from camera pixel noise).
Russell these claims are laughable and unsupported in ways you don't
even understand.

others may provide constructive criticism, as you seem sincere in your
desire for building useful entropy collection. but this solution is
worse than nothing, as it provides absurd claims of false security.

best regards,
cryptography mailing list
And I did for one indeed question this system.

cryptography mailing list

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