
Here is a quick review of the FIDO alliance authentication proposal [1]. After looking superficially at the specifications documentation [2], I came to the tentative summary below. I did not feel a need to delve into the companion documentation set [3].

Core cryptographic principles:

(A) The scheme uses public key crypto signatures (PK signatures) without security certificates, for client authentication, in client-server applications.

(B) Each server entity (relying party) maintains its own database of public keys to account identity relationships.

(C) The scheme documentation suggests a unique PK signature key pair for each triplet <client,server,device>.

(D) Account registration is devoid of special provisions for client identity verification: client device selects a PK signature key pair, signs a protocol-negotiation-derived context-dependent data stream and that's it.

Best practice security principles:

(E) The scheme documentation includes a taxonomy of mechanisms with which the client device may protect the activation of the device PK digital signature capability.

(F) In the account registration protocol exchanges, such client local mechanisms are negotiated.

(G) This arrangement is herein qualified as "best practice" because the server has no cryptographic integrity protection for client assertions in this account registration protocol exchange.

Scheme adoption strategy:

(H) The initial teaser is the appeal of an anti-phishing solution (alternative to password authentication).

(I) Levels the playing field for biometric/two-factor/tamper-processor authentication vendors.

(J) Not sure about browser support barrier to entry strategy.

Please use this summary with caution since it is very much of a guesstimate.

Two questions:

1) any comment about the above summary ...

2) assuming the authentication scheme turns widely deployed, what are the opportunities for the bad guys (those being creative, patient, and resourceful at attacking IT security schemes)? (Vulnerabilities in the client device are countless, dependent on local arrangements, and mostly well understood; it's the protocol vulnerabilities that would be relevant in view of the scheme novelty.)

Thanks in advance for feedback.

- Thierry

[1] https://fidoalliance.org/

[2] http://fidoalliance.org/wp-content/uploads/2014/12/fido-uaf-v1.0-ps-20141208.zip -- FIDO Alliance Universal Authentication Framework Complete Specifications

[3] https://fidoalliance.org/specs/fido-u2f-v1.0-nfc-bt-amendment-20150514.zip -- FIDO Alliance Universal 2nd Factor (U2F) specs with Bluetooth and NFC transports
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