Isn't a problem with this that the private key can only be used to sign one 
message as otherwise more intermediate values for different bit patterns are 
revealed--and then I can forge all the downstream ones. In the extreme case, if 
I have two messages where the digest differs in the first bit, I have A, B and 
C.  That also means that technically only B or C are really "private" as A and 
(B or C) are pushed as part of the signature. 


From: cryptography <> on behalf of ianG 
Sent: Monday, December 28, 2015 20:47
Subject: Re: [cryptography] Satoshi Nakamoto's 2015 unbreakable signature 

On 28/12/2015 13:03 pm, Wilson Ross wrote:
>> Satoshi Nakamoto
>> Hash Tube Signature Scheme
>> 25.12.2015
>> Abstract.  A Hash Tube signature scheme is proposed, with an explanation how
>> the individual tube levels are built. The signature and verification 
>> procedures
>> on this virtual object are introduced. This scheme is applied to the signing 
>> of
>> a cryptographic payments. Methods how the approach mitigates the double spend
>> risk are evaluated in a practical retail-like use cases.

Can we at least post some links?

is apparently where 1st 2 pages are.

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