Dear applied cryptographers ...

The STS protocol (Station-To-Station) evolved into Hugo Krawczyk SIGMA (Sign-and-MAC) variant which is now found in IPSEC IKE and HIP (Host Identity Protocol, IETF RFC7401).

However, if one wants to consider this as an alternative to TLS, documentation sources are few and either too academic or too overloaded with protocol details detracting from the security properties.

I did face this situation while looking for a basic authenticated key establishment protocol. STS has been the very first secure protocol to which I was exposed decades ago, but recently I could not recognize its features/properties in any TLS deployment profile. So I researched the STS impact on modern protocols and I recorded my findings in this document:

"The Classical Authenticated Diffie-Hellman Exchange Revisited (with the Bladderwort Protocol Feature Addition)"


When a secure data communications channel between two distant server systems must be established, the TLS (Transport Layer Security) is the solution that comes first to the mind of IT security experts. Departing from this default common wisdom, we revisit the authenticated Diffie-Hellman exchange as a solution well rooted in the early ideas in the field of public key cryptography, refined by the dedication of theoreticians, and entrenched in a few (less conspicuous) Internet secure protocol standards, namely IPSEC IKE and HIP. Under the name Bladdarwort, we also propose a minor protocol addition for streamlined server operations where a long-term private signature key is better kept off-line during the operational phase of the secure communications channel.

I guess the end result holds important lessons, as a straightforward solution path for a basic and recurring issue in IT security. Yet, the difficult aspects of applied cryptography remain difficult, the document being explicit about them.

Thus, why TLS?

- Thierry Moreau
cryptography mailing list

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