dear Zooko,

On Tue, 15 Nov 2016, Zooko Wilcox-OHearn wrote:

> On Wed, Nov 9, 2016 at 3:07 PM, Jaromil <> wrote:
> >
> > ...but ZCash feels a bit scammy. Its pumped up entry on the market
> > burnt a lot of people's money... is it just their fault being stupid?
> …
> > Sincerely, I'm not trolling. Seeing there is some space for a civil
> > conversation, I'd be interested in reading answers from the Zcash ppl
> > themselves here, what they are going to make out this market hype
> > stun. I'm a big fan of all Z- things (ZFS, ZSh, Zorro) but
> > ZCash.... still.. meh. how about helping us understand?
> I'm not quite sure what your question or objection is. Can you spell
> it out?

pardon the dispersion, my question / objection is about the way ZCash
responds to people that have lost money in financial gambling due to
the hyped ICO price at ZCash entrance. So far I understand your
response has been to treat a lawsuit for people using your (tm'ed)
logo for instance with the @ZCashVictims account on Twitter.

> I and the Zcash dev team have no control over the market price.

that's arguable on more levels, yet from what I understand you don't
have further control: you have adopted what seems a rather smart
mining incentive curve on the first 34 days. This certainly does not
means you have control on the market price, but you have well planned
mining incentives (and market price is a collateral of it) and this
plan is public.

> We don't operate an exchange, we haven't bought or sold any ZEC, we
> have never given anyone investment advice, and we've always striven
> in our public communications to be clear about the risks and
> limitations of the Zcash project.

this is a good answer, in particular your declaration that you
"haven't bought or sold any ZEC". I believe you should give this
answer to those people considering themselves victims of a market
gambling operation you do not take part into.

thanks for your clarifications,
best wishes

~.,_   Denis Roio aka Jaromil think &do tank
    "+.   CTO and co-founder      free/open source developers
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