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From: Austin Hill <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "'R. A. Hettinga'" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Job description for C&C Biz dev lead
Date: Wed, 30 May 2001 16:06:13 -0400

Hi Bob,

As mentioned, please find the job description attached.    If you can FWD'd
this to interested parties I'd appreciate it.     This person will be
working closely with Ian Goldberg, Adam Shostack, Stefan Brands and our GM
Products to role out the eCash/PrivateCredential toolkits and licence
agreements.    If you know of anyone qualified they can connect with me or
the email listed below.



Director of Business Development - Cash & Credential Products

Position Description & High Level Challenges:

In this position you will oversee the development, marketing and positioning
of ZKS's Cash and Credential patents and toolkits. You will establish and
develop customer accounts, partnerships and alliances that support the
deployment the Zero-Knowledge Cash & Credential toolkits. You will work with
technology partners in the electronic payments, public key infrastructure,
smart card and mobile payments space to develop opportunities for our
toolkits as well as work with marquee customers on electronic cash and
privacy enhanced authentication projects. You will feel comfortable leading,
motivating and managing a small team of domain experts, developers and
scientists who will work with you to develop, improve and market the
product. In this role you will report to the General Manager Products and
Services as the lead of the Cash & Credentials product team.

Position Requirements:

As the ideal candidate, you will have proven your ability to successfully
deploy and introduce new technologies in an emerging industry. You have a
passion for privacy and security and:
·       A technical degree coupled with an MBA
·       Minimum of 7 years of professional experience which includes 5 or
more years of Business Development and Technology Sales
·       Demonstrated success translating diverse partner needs into
executable steps and products
·       Experience & a successful track record with strategies for
deployment of new technologies and forming the proper alliances to introduce
new products through technology partners
·       Functional market experience in the areas of Electronic payments;
Electronic Cash; Wireless commerce; Public Key Infrastructure; Smart Card
·       An exceptional leader by example, whose self-confidence can inspire
and motivate subordinates as well as peers
·       Proven ability to take calculated risks and make difficult decisions

About Zero-Knowledge

The Company:
Founded in 1997, Zero-Knowledge® Systems, Inc. provides the technologies
that enable communication and commerce to thrive in a privacy-conscious
climate. Combining industry-leading technologies, expert policy analysis,
and informed business strategy, Zero-Knowledge delivers robust
privacy-enabling services and technologies for both consumers and business.

The company has become the privacy leader, and built the most respected
privacy brand in the world, by taking a holistic approach to the privacy
problem in the digital age. Its privacy policy, technology and business
expertise is unmatched and the company's enterprise and consumer products
set the industry standard.

For enterprise customers, Zero-Knowledge builds systems that ensure business
objectives are met while handling personal information in a responsible and
secure manner. Its Privacy Rights Management (PRM) Platform is a
customizable technology for all companies - from the Fortune 500 who are
dealing with complex business issues to smaller start-up companies with less
complex demands.  Zero-Knowledge's enterprise privacy platform can
accommodate varying levels of privacy needs (from legal compliance to
consumer demand to a corporate trust initiative) and provide complete
privacy for data acquisition, data storage and consumer-driven data control
across all industry verticals.

The emerging legislative climate and consumer privacy concerns have made
privacy an essential element to any business. Based on these drivers the
need for the company's solutions is immediate. The enterprise privacy
marketplace is estimated at $40 billion and Zero-Knowledge is focusing its
efforts on key verticals where new privacy legislation is taking effect and
consumer concerns are greatest. Theses include financial services, health
care and online marketing. Currently, the company has a relationship with
PricewaterhouseCoopers and other leading system integrators and channel
partners for both its enterprise and consumer offerings.

For individuals, Zero-Knowledge provides a suite of technologies that
control the disclosure of personal data at its source. The award-winning
Freedom® Internet Privacy Suite protects and secures the privacy and
personal information of Internet users. Unlike other software products that
only address specific online privacy concerns, Freedom® gives users all the
tools needed to simplify and secure their entire Internet experience - from
a set of free standard features, through to a full range of privacy-enhanced
premium services. Freedom reroutes user data through the global Freedom
Network of servers operated by partnering ISPs around the world to provide a
completely private Internet experience.

With research reporting that "92% of consumers are concerned about the
misuse of their personal information online" (Harris Survey, September 2000)
and that "two-thirds of online shoppers feel insecure about exchanging
personal information over the Internet" (Forrester Research, September
2000), Freedom offers consumers a practical solution to their online privacy
concerns. The company is working with channel partners such as OEMs and ISPs
to deliver robust privacy tools and services to individuals and is also
leveraging the Freedom Network to deliver privacy products for both
consumers and business.

Zero-Knowledge continues to develop new products and services for emerging
markets. The company's suite of patents pertaining to privacy-enhanced PKI,
electronic cash and identity credentials are in the process of being
licensed and productized. The company's intellectual property positions it
to design and market the first viable private ecash system allowing for
security/fraud protection against double-spending and money laundering, and
off-line portability via Smart Cards (or other tamper proof devices). The
company is also active in emerging technology areas such as wireless, where
it is working with customers and trade groups to build privacy-enhancing
technologies and services.

Zero-Knowledge's technology, privacy and industry leadership has been
recognized in leading media including The Wall Street Journal, The New York
Times, Red Herring and The San Jose Mercury News as well as on network news
programs like 60 Minutes. Company Co-Founder, Executive Vice President and
Chief Strategy Officer Austin Hill is a widely respected privacy expert and
recently attended the World Economic Forum as a Technology Pioneer.

Launched in Montreal, Zero-Knowledge will relocate its headquarters to the
Silicon Valley area while maintaining its technology center in Canada. The
company currently employs approximately 200 people and recently closed a $22
million third round of financing led by the Reuters Greenhouse Fund. Tamas
Hevizi, formerly a partner and national director at Ernst & Young where,
under his leadership, the firm's SAP business in the U.S. experienced 30%
annual growth and revenues of $300 million, joined the company as its
President and CEO in February 2001. Mr. Hevizi has successfully built
businesses in both startup and Fortune 500 environments and has been
instrumental in growing and managing enterprise software and service

The Board of Directors includes:

·       Robert Shaw, Chief Executive Officer of Silicon Valley Internet
Capital and the former Chief Executive Officer of USWeb/CKS
·       David Lockwood, Co-Chief Executive Officer of Reuters' Greenhouse
Fund and the former Managing Director of the E*Markets Group for Goldman
·       Michael Santer, Co-Chairman of Silicon Valley Internet Capital and
the former founder of Platinum Venture Partners
·       Hammie Hill, co-founder, CFO and Chairman of Zero-Knowledge Systems
·       Tamas Hevizi, CEO and President of Zero-Knowledge Systems

The company also recently introduced an Advisory Board consisting of leaders
in the privacy and technology fields:
·       Whitfield Diffie, Distinguished Engineer, Sun Microsystems Inc.,
co-creator of public key cryptography and co-author of Privacy on the Line:
the Politics of Wiretapping and Encryption
·       David Farber, Alfred Fitler Moore Professor of Telecommunication
Systems, University of Pennsylvania and member of the US Presidential
Advisory Committee of Information Technology
·       Michael Froomkin, Professor of Law, University of Miami School of
Law and member of the "Panel of Experts" of the World Intellectual Property
Organization's Internet Domain Name Process
·       Deborah Hurley, Director, Harvard Information Infrastructure
Project, Harvard University and member of the Advisory Committee to the U.S.
State Department on International Communications and Information Policy
·       Lawrence Lessig, Professor of Law, Stanford Law School and author of
Code, and Other Laws of Cyberspace
·       Peter Neumann, Principal Scientist, Computer Science Laboratory, SRI
and author of Computer-Related Risks
·       Bruce Schneier, Founder and Chief Technical Officer, Counterpane
Internet Security, Inc and author of Applied Cryptography and Secrets &
Lies: Digital Security in a Networked World
·       Barbara Simons, President, Association for Computing Machinery and
member of the President's Export Council's Subcommittee on Encryption

Austin Hill                                   Zero-Knowledge Systems Inc.
EVP & Chief Strategy Officer                             Montreal, Quebec
Phone: 514.286.2636                                     Fax: 514.286.2755
mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]    

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[predicting the end of the world] has not been found agreeable to
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