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Status:  U
Date: Sun, 24 Jun 2001 17:57:52 -0700
From: Will Price <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: ANNOUNCE: PGP Corporate Desktop 7.1 Now Available

Hash: SHA1

[Resending as a signed message, hit the trigger a little too fast on
the last one]

PGP Security is pleased to announce that PGP Corporate Desktop 7.1
(formerly Desktop Security) has been made available in trial and
upgrade versions on its website.

I have included a textual version of the What's New file for Win32
below. Note that there are still a few errors on the website where
the product is referred to as "Desktop Security", and the Mac What's
New file has not yet been posted. These will be corrected shortly.

- From this point forward, all What's New files will be posted online
at the following location:


- ------


PGP Corporate Desktop has been split into four products:
        PGPmail - Email and File Security
        PGPdisk - Disk Security
        PGPvpn - IPsec Virtual Private Networking
        PGPfire - Personal Firewall and Personal IDS
PGP Corporate Desktop is also available in the traditional form with
all of the products integrated together. Each of the products can be
installed and uninstalled in any combination to automatically combine
the functionality.

Smart Card Support

PGP now provides full support for smart cards. Smart cards allow
private key storage on secured hardware. Decryption and signing
operations using private keys stored on smart cards occur on the
smart card itself. Keys can also be generated on the card, and the
cards do not allow the private keys to be read off the card. The
smart card features have been integrated into PGP's core
functionality and thus are available in all of the PGP products
whenever key pairs are used.

Three smart card types have been certified for this release:
        Rainbow's iKey 20XX
        Schlumberger's Cryptoflex
        GemPlus GemSafe Enterprise
For best results, we recommend using these cards. PGP also provides
more generic support for any type of smart card that provides full
PKCS#11 compatibility.

PGP's smart card implementation is fully compatible with certificates
placed on cards by Windows 2000 or Netscape Communicator.

Personal Firewall / Personal IDS / VPN

Application-level firewall. PGP's enterprise-class Personal Firewall
and Personal IDS (Intrusion Detection System) now supports the
ability to specify applications associated with each firewall rule,
and sports a significantly improved user interface.

Firewall rule learning. PGP can now be told to watch your network
traffic and write firewall rules dynamically for you.

Notifications of unknown network traffic. PGP can now ask you whether
you want to allow or deny applications from communicating over the
network as they occur, and will automatically modify your firewall
rules as appropriate based on your answers.

Firewall rule sets can now be exported and imported.

VPN IP Range support. In addition to the past support for VPN
Subnets, PGP now supports Ranges. For many networks, especially
extremely large networks, Ranges are a much superior way to specify
the configuration of the network.

Sniffer-format intrusion packet captures. Packets which cause the
intrusion detection system to fire are now automatically captured and
logged. They can later be analyzed using packet analysis tools such
as Sniffer.

Automatic IP Address block ownership tracing. When tracing Intruders,
PGP will now provide information about the ownership of the IP
Address block from which the intrusion originated.

PGPfire is now compatible with the CheckPoint SecuRemote VPN client.

Enhanced Exchange Server Support

Exchange server identities, which are similar to
""/o=Acme/ou=HR/cn=Recipients/cn=JBob", can now be automatically
added as a second PGP user ID when generating keys. The Outlook email
plugin will automatically lookup identities of this form as well.
This feature makes sending email using the Outlook plugin in an
Exchange Server environment even more seamless.

Large File Support

PGP now supports file encrypt/decrypt/sign/verify operations on files
greater than 2.5 Gigabytes.

Version: PGP 7.1


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R. A. Hettinga <mailto: [EMAIL PROTECTED]>
The Internet Bearer Underwriting Corporation <http://www.ibuc.com/>
44 Farquhar Street, Boston, MA 02131 USA
"... however it may deserve respect for its usefulness and antiquity,
[predicting the end of the world] has not been found agreeable to
experience." -- Edward Gibbon, 'Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire'

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