At 10:47 AM -0700 9/18/01, Jay D. Dyson wrote:
>       But the press props it up as justification for the gradual erosion
>of our liberties.  The academic and civil-rights-minded crowds will
>protest, but the emotional appeals of those promising greater security
>will likely drown them out.

Jay, beware of making such sweeping statements as "the press 
props...."  This is no more true than all Arabs are terrorists.

Does Princeton Survey Research Associates have a particular political 
agenda - or did they just blow it with this survey?

john noerenberg
   While the belief we  have found the Answer can separate us
   and make us forget our humanity, it is the seeking that continues
   to bring us together, the makes and keeps us human.
   -- Daniel J. Boorstin, "The Seekers", 1998

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