The same is true of, say,, or worse,, on Unix


"Trei, Peter" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> One of my continual gripes about Windows security has to do with the GUI
> DLLs. An attacker could silently replace a component with one which has
> the old version number and the same API as the normal one, but which 
> does something extra - for example, the component which handles the
> textbox for entering passwords could check the system table to see if
> the active program was PGP, and if so log the text entered. The user 
> would be none the wiser, and even re-installing PGP would not restore
> security.
> A secure system would use crytographically signed components,
> and an application would check the signatures before loading a 
> dynamic library. An attacker would then need to get the trojaned
> components signed, which raises the bar.
> Windows XP at least checks for drivers not signed by MS, but 
> whose security this promotes is an open question.
> Peter Trei
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