Ray, if you look at PKI as a financial mechanism (like credit cards), then I see two major problems:
1. the PKI vendors aren't financial institutions, so they aren't in a position to assume risk and make money from that 2. the current PKI thinking (e.g., with "rebuttable presumption of non-repudiation") is anti-consumer, when viewed as a financial mechanism, and I can't imagine that succeeding even if the vendors were banks. - Carl +--------------------------------------------------------+ |Carl Ellison Intel E: [EMAIL PROTECTED] | |2111 NE 25th Ave M/S JF3-212 T: +1-503-264-2900 | |Hillsboro OR 97124 F: +1-503-264-6225 | |PGP Key ID: 0xFE5AF240 C: +1-503-819-6618 | | 1FDB 2770 08D7 8540 E157 AAB4 CC6A 0466 FE5A F240 | +--------------------------------------------------------+ --------------------------------------------------------------------- The Cryptography Mailing List Unsubscribe by sending "unsubscribe cryptography" to [EMAIL PROTECTED]