We are happy to announce the availability of the January 10, 2002
edition of "An Introduction to OpenSSL Programming", containing a pair
of articles describing how to use OpenSSL for common programming
tasks, complete with documented, complete, and compilable example
code. The code is made available under a BSD-style license and so can
be copied and pasted into your programs as necessary.

More information below.....
An Introduction to OpenSSL Programming 20020110
by Eric Rescorla
January 10, 2002 edition

This package consists of a set of documented sample programs showing
how to perform basic programming tasks with OpenSSL. 

wclient     -- a simple web client emulator
wserver     -- a simple web server emulator
wclient2    -- a version of wclient with some extra options
               including setting the cipher suite and 
               session caching.
wserver2    -- a version of wserver2 with some extra options
               including setting the cipher suite, client
               authentication, rehandshake, and session caching.
sclient     -- a simple client program that echos from the keyboard
               to the server and vice versa. sclient is a simple
               model of a terminal client such as Telnet.

The documentation is in several files
RUNNING     -- documents the command line switches for these programs.
part1.pdf   -- a detailed description of what's going on in
               wclient and wserver.
part2.pdf   -- a detailed description of wclient2, wserver2, and

These programs and their associated text were originally written for a
series of articles published in Linux Journal. The first article was
published in the September issue and is included here as
part1.pdf. The second article, describing wclient2, wserver2, and
sclient was published on the web in October and is included here as

This explains why we have both wclient and wclient2 (and wserver and
wserver2). The first editions appear in the first article and the
second ones in the second article. This structure also lets the reader
learn the basics without advanced features getting in the way.

To download, see

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