See also

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Senator brutalizes Intel rep for resisting CPRM  

By Thomas C Greene in Washington  

Posted: 01/03/2002 at 14:41 GMT  

Entertainment industry lapdog Senator Fritz Hollings (Democrat, South 
Carolina) lashed out at Intel executive VP Leslie Vadasz who warned 
that the copy-protected PCs Hollings is obediantly promoting on 
behalf of his MPAA and RIAA handlers would stifle growth in the 

"We do not need to neuter the personal computer to be nothing more 
than a videocassette recorder," Vadasz said in testimony before the 
Senate Committee on Commerce, Science and Transportation Thursday.  


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Date sent:              Fri, 1 Mar 2002 11:23:11 -0500
From:                   Declan McCullagh <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To:                     [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject:                FC: Senate Democrats love SSSCA -- but GOP says not so fast
Send reply to:          [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Politech archive on Sen. Hollings' SSSCA:

Letter from SSSCA opponents:

Intel letter to Hollings:

Draft text of the SSSCA:


   By Declan McCullagh ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) and Robert Zarate

   2:00 a.m. March 1, 2002 PST
   WASHINGTON -- A Senate debate over embedding copy protection
   controls in all consumer electronic devices took a sharply partisan
   turn on Thursday.

   During a packed hearing before the Senate Commerce Committee,
   Democrats appeared far more eager for the government to intervene
   in what has become a highly visible tussle between Silicon Valley,
   which advocates a laissez-faire approach, and the Hollywood firms
   lobbying Congress to step in to prevent piracy.

   "When Congress sits idly by in the face of these activities, we
   essentially sanction the Internet as a haven for thievery,"
   committee chairman Fritz Hollings (D-South Carolina) told a panel
   of witnesses that included Walt Disney chairman Michael Eisner,
   News Corp. President Peter Chernin and Intel Executive Vice
   President Leslie Vadasz.


   "We might need to legislate," said Sen. John Kerry
   (D-Massachusetts), though he emphasized that he would prefer the
   private sector reach an agreement on how to protect copyrighted
   electronic content.

   "Unfortunately, one issue seems close to an impasse -- how do we
   keep files from being illegally shared and distributed over the
   Internet?" complained Sen. Barbara Boxer (D-California).

   Republicans appeared much more skeptical of the SSSCA -- which is,
   after all, championed by a Democratic committee chairman -- and
   argued legislation would be too interventionist.

   In the 2000 election cycle, the entertainment industry gave
   Democrats a whopping $24.2 million in contributions compared to
   $13.3 million to Republicans, according to figures compiled by


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