On Tue, Feb 26, 2002 at 02:04:16AM -0000, Frog3 wrote:
> The cost [To factor RSA 1024] is the need to build a 
> machine that can do 53 billion simultaneous, independent 
> ECM factorizations for smoothness testing. It's not clear 
> how amenable this would be to hardware implementation.
> A time of 2^71 is considerably less threatening than 2^53.

If I understand frog3's numbers correctly:

If one builds extraordinarily massive hardware capable of
dowing 53 billion simultaneous independent ECM
factorizations, Bernstein's method wil take 2^71 steps.

Assuming that the massively parallel hardware does fifty
billion factorizations each microsecond, then it will take 
Bernstein's super duper hardware about one hundred million
years to factor an RSA 1024 modulus. 

         James A. Donald

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