Commerce Dept Fines Company For Illegal Crypto Exports

By David McGuire, Newsbytes.
26 Feb 2002, 5:13 PM CST
  ****Commerce Dept Fines Company For Illegal Crypto Exports 02/26/02
WASHINGTON, D.C., U.S.A., 2002 FEB 26 (NB) -- By David McGuire, Newsbytes.
The federal body that regulates exports has fined San Diego firm Neopoint
Inc. $95,000 for exporting strong encryption software to Korean companies
without the necessary government approval.

The Commerce Department's Bureau of Export Administration imposed the fine
after learning that Neopoint had exported 128-bit encryption software to
two companies in South Korea without obtaining proper licenses.

U.S. export regulations set limits on the strength of encryption software
that can be sold to foreign buyers without government approval.

"This case demonstrates that the U.S. Government can and will enforce its
export controls on encryption products," Assistant Secretary of Commerce
for Export Enforcement Michael J. Garcia said in a prepared statement.

The Commerce Department said that Neopoint cooperated fully with the

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17:13 CST
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