Encryption, Decryption reach Candidate Recommendation
20:01, 6 Mar 2002 UTC | Simon St.Laurent

The W3C has released XML Encryption Syntax and Processing and Decryption
Transform for XML Signature as Candidate Recommendations, as well as a new
XML Encryption Requirements Note.

None of these documents appear to have changed substantially, and
expectations for further progress are high:

"The exit criteria for this phase is at least two interoperable
implementations over every feature, one implementation of all features,
and one report of satisfaction in an application context (e.g., SOAP,
SAML, etc.) Note, this specification already has significant
implementation experience which will soon be reflected in its
Interoperability Report. We expect to meet all requirements of that report
within the two month Candidate Recommendation period (closing April 25)."

Remaining issues for XML Encryption include performance and interaction
with validation. XML Decryption performance is also important, as is the
development of interoperable implementations. The Requirements Note, after
"minor changes... serves to document the agreed upon set of requirements
the specification will address."

Related stories:

XML Encryption moves to Last Call
New Encryption and Decryption drafts
XML Encryption Activity started by the W3C

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