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Status:  U
Date: Fri, 15 Mar 2002 08:02:49 -0800
From: "Network Associates" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Reply-To: "Network Associates" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Attention PGP Customers, Important information concerning
E-Business Server

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March 15, 2002

Dear Customer,

As you know, we recently integrated several products from the PGP Security
business unit into McAfee.

These PGP Security products continue to be developed and sold by McAfee:
PGP E-Business Server is now McAfee E-Business Server
PGP E-Business Server Point-2-Point is now McAfee E-Business Server Partner
PGP E-Business Server for OS/390 is now McAfee E-Business Server for OS/390
PGPfire ASaP is now McAfee Desktop Firewall ASaP
PGPfire is now McAfee Desktop Firewall
PGPvpn will become McAfee VPN Client
PGP encryption is retained and continues as the encryption engine within
E-Business Server.

Network Associates recently announced the official closure of the PGP
Security. We have sold the Gauntlet VPN and
Firewall products to Secure Computing. Because we have not found an
appropriate buyer for PGP Corporate Desktop
product bundle, PGPmail, PGPdisk and file, PGPKeyserver and PGPwireless,
they have been put into maintenance
mode. However, the products that we have integrated into McAfee are
unaffected by this change.

In fact, we have made and will be making exciting announcements on these
products that will benefit our customers by
extending the ease of use, ease of management, and platform support for
these products.

McAfee Desktop Firewall 7.5 and McAfee ThreatScan 2.0 in Beta
Desktop Firewall 7.5 allows customers to protect against hackers, blended
threats, virus spread, and bandwidth-depleting
network traffic. ThreatScan 2.0 enables anti-virus administrators to
quickly understand where the vulnerable devices,
operating systems and applications are on their networks to proactively
reduce risks from viruses and blended threats.
Both of these products use our market-leading ePolicy Orchestrator 2.5
management console. Find out more at

McAfee E-Business Server
Simplifying the end userís and developerís ability to protect data, McAfee
has now added two more E-Business Server,
formerly PGP E-Business Server, family products that we will continue to
develop and use PGP encryption. We
recently announced McAfee E-Business Client, which enables an end user to
drag and drop to encrypt and send data
using a pre-configured client. Also, more developers are now able to
protect data with encryption by using the Visual
Basic, Perl and Java native APIs within their existing applications. The
applications for these products include
protecting healthcare data, financial transactions, insurance records and
Web-based customer credit card transactions on
vulnerable Web servers. Find out more at:
http://www.mcafeeb2b.com/aboutmcafeeb2b/pressroom We are also
promoting our newly re-branded McAfee E-Business Server on mainframe
platforms (OS/390), and the addition of
Linux for S/390 and zSeries at the SHARE.org conference starting March 3 in
Nashville, TN (Booth 107). Find out
more at http://www.mcafeeb2b.com/products/ebusiness.asp.

If you have any further questions regarding these product changes, contact
your sales representative, call us at 1-888-
VIRUS-NO or contact us online at www.mcafeeb2b.com. We will continue to
provide the best security and availability
solutions for your network.


Art Matin,
President, McAfee Security


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[predicting the end of the world] has not been found agreeable to
experience." -- Edward Gibbon, 'Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire'

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