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From: "SecureMedia Announcements" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Announcement: Picosoft Licenses SecureMedia's Encryptonite System
for VOD
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Date: Thu, 21 Mar 2002 10:02:26 -0500 (EST)


Whit Jackson
SecureMedia (www.securemedia.com)
(415) 563-1800

Picosoft Licenses SecureMedia’s Encryptonite System™ to Secure
Broadband Video-On-Demand System

-  Encryptonite™ to Protect DVD-Quality Video Delivered through ADSL
Set-Top Box

BOSTON, MA – March 21, 2002 – SecureMedia, Inc., a leading provider of
encryption and Digital Rights Management (DRM) technology, announced today
that Picosoft Co., Ltd., a leading application software developer based in
Korea, has licensed SecureMedia’s Encryptonite System for use in Picosoft’s
new broadband Video-On-Demand system and ADSL set-top box.  The
Encryptonite System will provide high security content encryption, key
management, and rights enforcement for digital content delivered through
the Picosoft system.

The Encryptonite System secures virtually any media type (ex. MPEG-2,
MPEG-4, On2’s VP4, RealMedia, MP3, etc.) for streaming and download
distribution over IP and other digital data networks.  As an open platform
solution, the Encryptonite System also integrates readily with multiple
hardware platforms and third party applications (e.g. e-commerce, billing,
subscriber management, media asset management, etc.).

Picosoft’s VOD system and set-top box will be capable of delivering
DVD-quality video at connection speeds under 1 Megabit per second.  The
system employs the revolutionary VP4 video compression codec from On2
Technologies (AMEX: ONT) along with On2’s playback and TrueCast server
software.  The set-top box is built on Equator Technologies’ Dolphin
reference design platform, which is based on the MAP-CA Broadband Signal
Processor chip.  The Picosoft set-top box is designed for the Korean ADSL
market and will also be sold in other Asian markets.

“Korea has more than 4.5 million ADSL subscribers, and we are extremely
pleased to have been chosen by Picosoft to provide the essential content
security infrastructure for their VOD system.  The end users of the
Picosoft system will experience the best that broadband can offer in terms
of the instantaneous delivery of the highest quality video with the ability
to pause, rewind and fast-forward playback at will,” said Jack Oswald, CEO
of SecureMedia, Inc.

“Picosoft chose SecureMedia’s Encryptonite System™ because it supplies
comprehensive, high security encryption and rights management while also
providing the flexibility to integrate easily with our other best of class
component suppliers.  We had evaluated other DRM suppliers, but SecureMedia
was the only supplier who could deliver a cost effective solution for the
set-top box we intend to deploy.  With the Encryptonite System, Picosoft
has completed a VOD solution that will allow service providers and content
owners to satisfy the growing demands of broadband customers for enhanced,
on-demand entertainment services,” said Joohan Yoo, CEO of  Picosoft Co.,

Douglas A. McIntyre, President and CEO of On2 Technologies added, “We are
proud to have been selected by Picosoft for their ADSL VOD service based on
the superior performance of our VP4 codec over competing technologies.
Working with SecureMedia is an added benefit as we will integrate their
Encryptonite System with our leading compression technology to provide the
highest quality and highest security video distribution platform.”

About SecureMedia, Inc.
SecureMedia (http://www.SecureMedia.com) is a leading provider of
encryption and rights management solutions for the delivery of IP Broadband
Media, focusing on Video-on-Demand solutions in streaming and download
modes. The Company provides a range of content security solutions from the
comprehensive Encryptonite System to software toolkits, hardware cores and
plugins for third party media delivery systems.  SecureMedia’s customers
represent industry leaders such as RealNetworks (NASDAQNM:RNWK), Oak
Technology (NASDAQNM:OAKT), NTT (NYSE:NTT), DivXNetworks, King Biscuit
Entertainment Group, Tranz-Send Broadcast Network, InvisiMail Ltd.,
MediBridge and Communicado/Satlink.  SecureMedia’s investors include CB
Capital Funds LLP, SONY Corp. (NYSE:SNE), Macrovision Corp. (NasdaqNM:MVSN)
and Trans Cosmos Inc.

About Picosoft Co., Ltd.,
Picosoft (KOSDAQ:PICOSOFT) (KOSDAQ:39580.KQ) is a leading information
technology company providing application software, online wagering
solution, interactive gaming services, and digital set-top box for VOD
services.  Since its foundation in 1993, Picosoft has concentrated on
developing user-oriented software and providing professional services
specifically for small and medium companies.  From 2001, Picosoft extended
business area to Digital Media Services like VOD related services, DVD
publishing system.  The Company provides an interactive gaming solution
that enables large scale transaction processing and network integration to
domestic game service provider. (http://www.picosoft.co.kr)

About On2 Technologies, The Duck Corporation
On2 Technologies (AMEX: ONT) is a leading technology firm at the forefront
of video compression. The Company revolutionized video encoding with the
creation of its advanced full-motion, full-screen, video compression and
streaming technology (TrueMotion® VP3/VP4/VP5). On2 licenses its high
quality video codecs for use in set-top boxes, consumer electronics devices
and wireless applications. In addition, On2 offers a suite of products and
services, including high-level video encoding, customized technical
support, and consulting services. Headquartered in New York City, the
Company has an office in Albany, NY, and operations in London, UK, and
Seoul, Korea. On2 may be reached at 145 Hudson Street, New York, NY 10013,
telephone 917-237-0500 or [EMAIL PROTECTED] Investor inquiries should be sent

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