
See Crypt::OpenPGP.

It reads/writes PGP 2.x, 5.x and GNUPG compatible packets, autodetects
formats, contains support for almost all ciphers present in various
implementations of PGP.


On Sun, Mar 31, 2002 at 06:08:51PM +0100, Adam Back wrote:
> [This is actually slightly more accurate and even worse than my first
> mail which bounced to some of the lists as I had a typo, _and_
> separately encountered a mail hub outage at -- apologies
> to those who get duplicates].
> So I was trying to decrypt this stored mail sent to me by a GPG user,
> and lo pgp6.x failed to decrypt it.
> So I try an older gpg I had installed, and it fails because it doesn't
> support RSA or IDEA, and this GPG user it seems installed the RSA and
> IDEA patches.
> So I go fetch GPG from, but it still doesn't contain
> IDEA by default due to the anti-patent religion thing gone-to-far over
> at GNU land, so I try to download the idea.c plugin -- except they
> seem to have removed it (accidentally? hmm -- I fire off a mildly
> brusque email to webmaster at -- and hit but all
> the first few hits are pointing at the faq with labyrinth of
> links ending eventually in the same dud link.)
> Either way _even_ if idea.c were still where they claimed it would be
> it seems intentionally very well hidden, which I think is
> unconscionable for a security product: to _intentionally_ frustrate
> users attempts to interoperate with secure previous versions and
> alternate implementations.
> So then I try pgp5.x but the binary is using dynamic libraries that
> are no longer on my shiny new redhat7.1 installation, so I try to
> compile it but it no longer compiles.  Tinker briefly fixing up
> things, but the errors are multiple, and I haven't got time for this.
> So my last hope is pgp2.x, but some buggy pgp variant has left my
> pgp2.x key ring empty, and you can't use it directly on pgp6.x
> keyrings as it will barf on the new key formats.  So then I ponder
> exporting my private key out of pgp6.5.8 which isn't going to do it
> compatibly without some serious thought -- openPGP's salted key
> stretching maybe being used -- do I want to export it without a
> password (not really), so figure out how do I turn the salted key
> stretching off, will pgp6.5.8 even let you export private keys, or is
> it easier to just extract it with a binary editor?  Fortunately I
> finally find a pgp2.x keyring secring.bak file (thanks PRZ), and move
> it back and lo pgp2 can't decrypt it because of some unsupported
> packetry.  I take a look at it with Mark Shoulsen's pgpacket and it
> seems that _even_ pgpacket thinks there is some unsupported packets at
> the end, so dig out another packet analysis program -- pgpdump by Kazu
> Yamamoto and it doesn't seem to realise it's ascii armored or is
> expecting to find an external program to de-armor which is missing --
> I don't care, so use emacs and mmencode -u to produce a binary
> version, and then it plays.  And there lies the problem: gpg encrypted
> it with IDEA using the new openPGP streaming options to encode the
> message in chunks despite it being encrypted with idea (presumably the
> sender forget to invoke --rfc1991 not realising my potential future
> predicament).  Thus sprach Kazu's analyzer:
> New: Symmetrically Encrypted Data Packet(tag 9)(512 bytes) partial start
>       Encrypted data [if pub/sym session key not present, sym alg - IDEA]
> New:  (201 bytes) partial end
> So, for now, give up.  I guess it's cheaper to just send the original
> author an email ask him if he remembers that idea he sent me 4 months
> ago and have him send me it in clear text to be sure!
> What a nightmare!  Try that sequence on a novice user and they give up
> before they get past the first GPG faq with rant about algorithm
> patents.
> We've really got to do something about the compatibility problems.
> Adam
> --
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Vipul Ved Prakash         
Software Design Artist       

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