The USENIX Security Symposium is just around the corner.  Below is a
list of the accepted papers.

For detailed information and to register, visit

They early registration discount ends July 10, 2002 (this Wednesday).
So hurry up and register!  :-)


Wednesday, August 7th

Keynote Address: 

 Information Security in the 21st Century
       Whitfield Diffie, Distinguished Engineer at Sun Microsystems

Session 1:  OS Security

 Security in Plan 9
       Russ Cox, MIT LCS; 
       Eric Grosse, Bell Labs; 
       Rob Pike, Bell Labs; 
       Dave Presotto, Avaya Labs and Bell Labs; 
       Sean Quinlan, Bell Labs

 Linux Security Modules: General Security Support for the Linux Kernel
       Chris Wright and Crispin Cowan, WireX, 
       Stephen Smalley, NAI Labs, 
       James Morris, Intercode Pty., 
       Greg Kroah-Hartman, IBM

 Using CQUAL for Static Analysis of Authorization Hook Placement
       Xiaolan Zhang, IBM;
       Antony Edwards, IBM; 
       Trent Jaeger, IBM;

Session 2: Intrusion detection/protection

 Using Text Categorization Techniques for Intrusion Detection
       Yihua Liao, V. Rao Vemuri,  UC Davis.

 Detecting Manipulated Remote Call Streams
        Jonathon Giffin,  University of Wisconsin, Madison;  
        Somesh Jha,  University of Wisconsin Madison;  
        Bart Miller,  University of Wisconsin, Madison;

 Type-Assisted Dynamic Buffer Overflow Detection
        Kyung-Suk Lhee, Syracuse University; 
        Steve J. Chapin, Syracuse University

Session 3: Access control

 A General and Flexible Access-Control System for the Web
       Lujo Bauer, Princeton University; 
       Michael Schneider, Princeton University; 
       Ed Felten, Princeton University

 Access and Integrity Control in a Public-Access High-Assurance 
    Configuration Management System
        Jonathan S. Shapiro, John Vanderburgh
        Systems Research Laboratory
        Johns Hopkins University

Thursday, August 8th

Session 4: Hacks/Attacks

 Deanonymizing Users of the SafeWeb Anonymizing Service
       David Martin, Boston University 
       Andrew Schulman, Privacy Foundation

 VeriSign CZAG: Privacy Leak in X.509 Certificates
       Scott Renfro, Yahoo! Inc.

 How to 0wn the Internet in Your Spare Time
        Stuart Staniford, Silicon Defense; 
        Vern Paxson, ICIR / ICSI
        Nicholas Weaver, UC Berkeley

Session 5: Sandboxing

 Setuid Demystified
        Hao Chen, David Wagner, UC Berkeley; 
        Drew Dean, SRI International

 Secure Execution Via Program Shepherding
       Vladimir Kiriansky (MIT), 
       Derek Bruening (MIT), 
       Saman Amarasinghe (MIT)

 A Flexible Containment Mechanism for Executing Untrusted Code
       David S. Peterson (graduate student, UC Davis), 
       Matt Bishop (professor of computer science, UC Davis), 
       Raju Pandey (professor of computer science, UC Davis)

Session 6: Web security

 SSLACC: A Clustered SSL Accelerator
       Eric Rescorla, RTFM, Inc. 
       Adam Cain, Nokia Inc. 
       Brian Korver, Xythos Software, Inc.

 Infranet: Circumventing Web Censorship and Surveillance
        Nick Feamster, MIT Laboratory for Computer Science;  
        Magdalena Balazinska, MIT Laboratory for Computer Science; 
        Greg Harfst, MIT Laboratory for Computer Science; 
        Hari Balakrishnan, MIT Laboratory for Computer Science; 
        David Karger, MIT Laboratory for Computer Science
 Trusted Paths for Browsers: An Open-Source Solution to Web Spoofing
       Zishuang (Eileen) Ye, Dartmouth College; 
       Sean Smith, Dartmouth College.

Session 7: Generating keys and timestamps

 Using Speech to Generate Cryptographic Keys on Resource 
     Constrained Devices
        Fabian Monrose (Bell Labs, Lucent Technologies); 
        Michael Reiter (Carnegie Mellon University); 
        Daniel Bleichenbacher (Bell Labs, Lucent Technologies)
        Qi Li (Bell Labs, Lucent Technologies)

 Secure History Preservation through Timeline Entanglement
        Petros Maniatis, Computer Science Department, Stanford University; 
        Mary Baker, Computer Science Department, Stanford University

Friday, August 9th

Session 8: Deploying crypto

 Lessons Learned in Implementing and Deploying Crypto Software
       Peter Gutmann, University of Auckland

 Side-Channel Attacks on Symmetric Encryption Schemes: 
    The Case for Authenticated Encryption
       John R. Black, Univ. Nevada, Reno 
       Hector Urtubia, Univ. Nevada, Reno

 Making Mix Nets Robust For Electronic Voting By Randomized 
    Partial Checking
       Markus Jakobsson (RSA Labs), 
       Ari Juels (RSA Labs), 
       Ron Rivest (MIT)

Session 9: Work in Progress Reports

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