At 03:18 PM 7/29/2002 -0700, David Wagner wrote:
> > I don't even think anyone has analyzed the entropy preservation of a >
>theoretically perfect "random oracle"
>Well, I know this particular point wasn't central to your email, but
>I'm not sure I agree with you on this small point.  I believe it should
>be more or less straightforward to analyze the entropy preservation of
>a random oracle (alas, so straightforward you probably won't find any
>paper on it in the literature).

Actually, it's covered very well (but briefly) in HAC (in section 2.1.6) 
and they refer to a seminal work by Flajolet and Odlyzko (Google finds 
references to it quite easily).


Greg Rose                                       INTERNET: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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