> > Nitpick: You can sample from such a set.  You can generate m randomx
> > values from this set with about 10m computations of SHA-1: simply pick
> > a random x, check whether SHA-1(x) has its first ten zeros, and if not
> > go back and pick another x until you find one that works.
> 1024m not 10m, surely?

Yes, sorry.

> Your point appears to be that its hard to justify in the standard 
> "infinite computing power" model that maths likes to use, not that its 
> generally hard to justify.

No, my point is stronger.  It's hard to justify even in the standard
"security against computationally-bounded adversaries" model.  I know
of *no* theoretically-rigorous justification for any practical entropy
sampling procedure without making unreasonable and untestable assumptions
about the input distribution, except in the random oracle model.

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