Here are some more thoughts on how cryptography could be used to
enhance user privacy in a system like TCPA.  Even if the TCPA group
is not receptive to these proposals, it would be useful to have an
understanding of the security issues.  And the same issues arise in
many other kinds of systems which use certificates with some degree
of anonymity, so the discussion is relevant even beyond TCPA.

The basic requirement is that users have a certificate on a long-term key
which proves they are part of the system, but they don't want to show that
cert or that key for most of their interactions, due to privacy concerns.
They want to have their identity protected, while still being able to
prove that they do have the appropriate cert.  In the case of TCPA the
key is locked into the TPM chip, the "endorsement key"; and the cert
is called the "endorsement certificate", expected to be issued by the
chip manufacturer.  Let us call the originating cert issuer the CA in
this document, and the long-term cert the "permanent certificate".

A secondary requirement is for some kind of revocation in the case
of misuse.  For TCPA this would mean cracking the TPM and extracting
its key.  I can see two situations where this might lead to revocation.
The first is a "global" crack, where the extracted TPM key is published
on the net, so that everyone can falsely claim to be part of the TCPA
system.  That's a pretty obvious case where the key must be revoked for
the system to have any integrity at all.  The second case is a "local"
crack, where a user has extracted his TPM key but keeps it secret, using
it to cheat the TCPA protocols.  This would be much harder to detect,
and perhaps equally significantly, much harder to prove.  Nevertheless,
some way of responding to this situation is a desirable security feature.

The TCPA solution is to use one or more Privacy CAs.  You supply your
permanent cert and a new short-term "identity" key; the Privacy CA
validates the cert and then signs your key, giving you a new cert on the
identity key.  For routine use on the net, you show your identity cert
and use your identity key; your permanent key and cert are never shown
except to the Privacy CA.

This means that the Privacy CA has the power to revoke your anonymity;
and worse, he (or more precisely, his key) has the power to create bogus
identities.  On the plus side, the Privacy CA can check a revocation list
and not issue a new identity cert of the permanent key has been revoked.
And if someone has done a local crack and the evidence is strong enough,
the Privacy CA can revoke his anonymity and allow his permanent key to
be revoked.

Let us now consider some cryptographic alternatives.  The first is to
use Chaum blinding for the Privacy CA interaction.  As before, the user
supplies his permanent cert to prove that he is a legitimate part of
the system, but instead of providing an identity key to be certified,
he supplies it in blinded form.  The Privacy CA signs this blinded key,
the user strips the blinding, and he is left with a cert from the Privacy
CA on his identity key.  He uses this as in the previous example, showing
his privacy cert and using his privacy key.

In this system, the Privacy CA no longer has the power to revoke your
anonymity, because he only saw a blinded version of your identity key.
However, the Privacy CA retains the power to create bogus identities,
so the security risk is still there.  If there has been a global crack,
and a permanent key has been revoked, the Privacy CA can check the
revocation list and prevent that user from acquiring new identities,
so revocation works for global cracks.  However, for local cracks,
where there is suspicious behavior, there is no way to track down the
permanent key associated with the cheater.  All his interactions are
done with an identity key which is unlinkable.  So there is no way to
respond to local cracks and revoke the keys.

Actually, in this system the Privacy CA is not really protecting
anyone's privacy, because it doesn't see any identities.  There is no
need for multiple Privacy CAs and it would make more sense to merge
the Privacy CA and the original CA that issues the permanent certs.
That way there would be only one agency with the power to forge keys,
which would improve accountability and auditability.

One problem with revocation in both of these systems, especially the one
with Chaum blinding, is that existing identity certs (from before the
fraud was detected) may still be usable.  It is probably necessary to
have identity certs be valid for only a limited time so that users with
revoked keys are not able to continue to use their old identity certs.

Brands credentials provide a more flexible and powerful approach than
Chaum blinding which can potentially provide improvements.  The basic
setup is the same: users would go to a Privacy CA and show their
permanent cert, getting a new cert on an identity key which they would
use on the net.  The difference is that Brands provides for "restrictive
blinding".  This allows the Privacy CA to issue a cert on a key which
would be unlinkable to the permanent key under normal circumstances,
but perhaps linkability could be established in some cases.

It's not entirely clear how this technology could best be exploited to
solve the problems.  One possibility, for example, would be to encode
information about the permanent key in the restrictive blinding.
This would allow users to use their identity keys freely; but upon
request they could prove things about their associated permanent keys.
They could, for example, reveal the permanent key value associated with
their identity key, and do so unforgeably.  Or they could prove that their
permanent key is not on a given list of revoked keys.  Similar logical
operations are possible including partial revelation of the permanent
key information.

However it does not appear possible to solve the case of a local crack
using this technology.  In that case it is unlikely that they would
respond favorably to a request to reveal the permanent key associated with
their identity, so that it could be revoked.  Brands' technology would
allow them to do so in a convincing manner, but they would not cooperate.

In the end it's not clear how much Brands certificates really add over
the basic Chaum blinding in this application.  With the specific usage
described above, they have the same basic security properties as in
the case of Chaum blinding, except potentially for being able to prove
that an identity cert is not associated with a revoked permanent key.
Perhaps some other approach using his technology would be more successful.

One other cryptographic method that might be relevant is the group
signature.  This allows someone to sign with a key where he does not
reveal his signing key, but he proves that it is part of some group.
In the relevant variants, the group is defined as the set of keys
which has been certified by a "group membership key".  This approach
can therefore dispense with the Privacy CA entirely, and with blinding.
Instead, the permanent key itself is used for signing on the net, but
via a group signature which does not reveal the key value.  Instead,
the group signature protocol proves that the key exists and that it has
been certified by the CA.

The main problem with the group signature approach is handling revocation.
In the case of a global crack, where someone has published his permanent
key, at a minimum it is necessary to create a revocation list for those
keys.  This means that the group signature protocol must be extended
to not only prove that a key exists and has been certified, but also
that the key is not on the list of revoked keys - and to do this without
revealing the key itself.  That's a pretty complicated requirement which
is pushing the state of the art.  There is a paper being presented at
Crypto 02 which claims to offer the first group signature scheme with
efficient revocation.

Group signatures also offer an optional mechanism which can deal
with local cracks.  The original group signature concept included the
concept of a "revocation manager" who could link signatures to keys -
that is, there is one trusted party who can tell which key issued a
given signature.  In most of the modern variants, this is accomplished
by creating, as part of the group signature, an encrypted blob which
holds the user's permanent key, where that blob can be encrypted to any
specified key.  The only one who can tell who made the signature is the
key holder that the blob is encrypted to.

If this mechanism is used, we can bring back the Privacy CA, who
now functions as the party who can link signatures to permanent keys.
When someone uses a group signature to participate in a TCPA network, he
would optionally specify a Privacy CA who could reveal his permanent key.
This would allow for a multiplicity of Privacy CAs with different policies
about when and how they would reveal idenities, similar to the original
(non-cryptographic) TCPA concept.  Then it would be up to the recipients
of the signature to judge whether they trusted that Privacy CA to unmask
rogues upon sufficient evidence.

The main advantage of this scheme over the non-cryptographic TCPA method
is, first, that the Privacy CA is optional - users don't have to reveal
their identity to anyone if they don't want; and second, that the Privacy
CA no longer has the power to forge identities and disrupt the system.
This strengthens the overall security of the system.

Summing up, none of the alternatives presented here is ideal.  The current
scheme is among the worst, as it provides the weakest privacy protection
and allows the Privacy CAs to break the security of the entire system.
The Chaum and Brands blinding methods strengthen privacy at the cost of
reducing the ability to respond to local cracks, where the user extracts
his TPM key but keeps it to himself.  Group signatures provide good
privacy protection and can optionally respond to local cracks, but they
are cutting edge cryptography and are generally less efficient than the
other methods.

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