-----Original Message-----
From: Hughes, James P
Sent: 8/27/02 9:36 AM
Subject: Re: Smartcard in CD

Could it be powered by the light from the CD reader laser? Could it then
modulate something to look like it is a CD being read?

Is there any indication that there is anyone from this company
this list?


[Excuse the cruddy formatting - I'm using Microsoft Outlook Web

I've actually handled these devices (sort of at the level of a
colleague saying "Here's something cool - what do you think we
could do with it?"

The early models have a pair of lithium cells built in (two for
balance). The company is looking into other battery technologies
as well - there are some paper thin batteries coming out.
(It's actually asounding that they can fit their board, batteries
included, into the thickness of a CD, but they've done it.)

I wonder about induction too - could you put a small magnet in
the disk, and use the varying induced fields in the reader 
mechanism to generate power?

Peter Trei

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