> Here's a little story: this week I learned that one of our valuable 
> security doctoral candidates doesn't vote, and doesn't want to learn 
> about or discuss politics and the political implications of what she does.  

Sounds very sensible to me.
Leave the voting to those who care.

One of my peeves about Australia is that voting is compulsory here.
Quite apart from enforced voting being an infringement of my civil right, the
problem is that most people do not even know who is standing for 
election from their electorate, far less care what their policies are.

As a result the great unwashed turn up and tick boxes at random.

One rightwing politician used this recently to register 30 fake minor parties
( Gay and Lesbian Party, Marihuana party, Save the Forests Party etc ) and then
directed the preferences of these parties to himself.
This enabled him to get elected to Parliment.


natsu-gusa ya   / tsuwamono-domo-ga   / yume no ato
summer grasses  / strong ones         / dreams site
Summer grasses,
All that remains
Of soldier's dreams
(Basho trans. Stryk)

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