At 6:12 PM -0500 2/10/03, Steven M. Bellovin wrote:
In message <b295ds$l66$[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, David Wagner writes:
Trei, Peter wrote:
The weird thing about WEP was its choice of cipher. It used RC4, a
stream cipher, and re-keyed for every block. . RC4 is
not really intended for this application. Today we'd
have used a block cipher with varying IVs if neccessary

I suspect that RC4 was chosen for other reasons - ease of
export, smallness of code, or something like that. It runs fast,
but rekeying every block loses most of that advantage.
It's hard to believe that RC4 was chosen for technical reasons.
The huge cost of key setup per packet (equivalent to generating 256
bytes of keystream and then throwing it away) should dominate the other
potential advantages of RC4.
I'm not sure you're right.  While 40-50% of packets are about 40 bytes
long -- see for some
older statistics -- most *bytes* are carried by larger packets.  From
that same site, about 75% of the bytes are carried by packets over 500
bytes long.

A quick awk script suggests that given that packet size distribution,
the total workload to use WEP-style encryption is about double the
number of bytes.  The overhead is thus substantial -- but RC4's cost
per byte is quite low, so it was probably a net win.  Other studies
suggest that LAN packet size distribution is somewhat different, with
more large packets; that would lower the overhead.

It's worth remembering that the original WEP used 40 bit keys. For some time, RC4 with 40 bit keys was the only crypto system that could be exported without a license. It's hard for me to believe that export concerns were not the primary factor in the initial choice of RC4.

Arnold Reinhold

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