
I am experiencing Segfault inside CryptoPP::StreamTransformationFilter.

I have downloaded and built CryptoPP as an external CMake module. 
This segfault is happening only in Linux(Ubuntu 18.04.05LTS) *Release build*
64-bit,compiler clang 6.0

Thread 9 "***" received signal SIGSEGV, Segmentation fault.
[Switching to Thread 0x7fffdb7fe700 (LWP 5835)]
0x0000000000000000 in ?? ()
(gdb) bt
#0  0x0000000000000000 in ?? ()
#1  *0x0000000000b7559d in 
(this=0x7fffdb7fd1c0, c=..., attachment=<optimized out>,*
    *padding=<optimized out>) at filters.cpp:593*
#2  0x00000000004ff4fd in 
std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> > const&) ()

*Trials to resolve this issue:*
If I build my target where I am using CryptoPP( static lib) with *optimization 
level O1 or less, then no segfault observed. But this issue is with 
optimization level O2 or more.*

*Code snippet:*
std::string AESEncryptDecryptUtility::decrypt(const std::string& 
encrypted_text) { std::string decrypted_text; CryptoPP::AES::Decryption 
aesDecryption(key_.data(), KEY_LENGTH); 
CryptoPP::CBC_Mode_ExternalCipher::Decryption cbcDecryption(aesDecryption, 
iv_.data()); CryptoPP::*StreamTransformationFilter *stfDecryptor(cbcDecryption, 
new CryptoPP::StringSink(decrypted_text)); 
stfDecryptor.Put(reinterpret_cast<const unsigned 
char*>(encrypted_text.c_str()), encrypted_text.size()); 
stfDecryptor.MessageEnd(); return decrypted_text; 

Inside *StreamTransformationFilter() *where it's crashing, the line 
highlighted in Red is pointing in GDB as the last point before the 

&c, BufferedTransformation *attachment, BlockPaddingScheme padding)
: FilterWithBufferedInput(attachment), m_cipher(c), m_padding(DEFAULT_PADDING)
    CRYPTOPP_ASSERT(c.MinLastBlockSize() == 0 || c.MinLastBlockSize() 
> c.MandatoryBlockSize());

    const bool authenticatedFilter 
= dynamic_cast<AuthenticatedSymmetricCipher *>(&c) != NULLPTR;
    if (authenticatedFilter)
        throw InvalidArgument("StreamTransformationFilter: please use 
AuthenticatedEncryptionFilter and AuthenticatedDecryptionFilter for 

    // InitializeDerivedAndReturnNewSizes may override some of these
    m_mandatoryBlockSize = m_cipher.MandatoryBlockSize();

Please let me know if any other information needed.



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