On Sat, Jan 21, 2023 at 5:47 AM James Chapman <ja...@uplinkzero.com> wrote:
> New subscriber and CryptoPP user list here. I'm hoping you can assist me and 
> point me in the right direction. I'm trying to read information from PE file 
> signing certificates which are typically in PKCS#7 format. I've extracted the 
> certificate structure OK, but now I'm trying to use CryptoPP to extract 
> information from the certificates.
> I've used certutil to dump an ASN structure from acrobat.exe (for easy 
> reference I've placed it at the bottom of this email).
> So far, I've got this:
>             CryptoPP::VectorSource vs(certData.certificate, true);
>             CryptoPP::BERSequenceDecoder p7b(vs);
>             CryptoPP::BERSequenceDecoder outerObject(p7b, 
> Anything I try after this throws.

What was the exception? The ASN.1 gear likely does not know about OIDs
1.2.840.113549.1.7.2, 2.16.840.,
1.2.840.113549. and friends. But the exception should tell
you the problem.

> I presume I need to read the OPTIONAL somehow and then from there process the 
> SEQUENCE. In fact, I suspect the best approach would be to somehow enumerate 
> the SEQUENCE sections and then process those individually, but with the tools 
> available to me in CryptoPP's ASN section I've not been able to work out how 
> to do that yet :-(
> I'm probably missing something obvious (I should point out that I'm new to 
> ASN1 too). Any guidance, words of wisdom or even examples would be greatly 
> appreciated.

Also see https://www.cryptopp.com/wiki/X509Certificate . It is an
example of parsing X.509 certificates.


> 0000: 30 82 17 25                               ; SEQUENCE (1725 Bytes)
> 0004:    06 09                                  ; OBJECT_ID (9 Bytes)
> 0006:    |  2a 86 48 86 f7 0d 01 07  02
>          |     ; 1.2.840.113549.1.7.2 PKCS 7 Signed
> 000f:    a0 82 17 16                            ; OPTIONAL[0] (1716 Bytes)
> 0013:       30 82 17 12                         ; SEQUENCE (1712 Bytes)
> 0017:          02 01                            ; INTEGER (1 Bytes)
> 0019:          |  03
> [...]

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