On Thu, Jun 15, 2023 at 12:16 AM fa <fery....@gmail.com> wrote:
> I tried two methods:
> 1.
> void CryptoHashes::makeFileHash(const QString &filePath)
> {
> FileSource f(filePath.toStdString().c_str(), true, new HashFilter(hash, new 
> HexEncoder(new StringSink(digest))));
> }
> 2.
> void CryptoHashes::makeFileHash(const QString &filePath)
> {
> std::filesystem::path _path { std::filesystem::u8path(filePath.toStdString()) 
> };
> std::ifstream m_file(_path, std::ios::in);
> FileSource f(m_file, true, new HashFilter(hash, new HexEncoder(new 
> StringSink(digest))));
> }
> the only exception is that when I tried method 2, it always calculated hash 
> of NULL, no matter which file I selected.

std::ifstream does not have a ctor that takes a std::filesystem::path.
See https://cplusplus.com/reference/fstream/ifstream/ifstream/ . It
looks like you need to do something like
https://stackoverflow.com/a/45401869 .


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