On Thu, 2012-01-19 at 17:31 +0100, Christophe ILLY wrote:
> > On the back of the below email. What would the CS community like us to
> > be looking at in the near future and the longer term?
> >
> > Regards
> >
> > Phil
> In short : focus on technologies affordable for low budget projects 
> (alternative render technologies, easy asset integration).
> In less short : current hardware has led to astronomical prod costs. 
> Only huge editors can fund Skyrim or Assassin's Creed. When a 
> not-so-huge project tries to make a game "almost like the blockbusters", 
> players and media often reject it violently, as if they were tricked. So 
> if you don't have a Ubisoft budget, the safest is to choose a stylized 
> rendering (cell shading or whatever), and Fully embrace this artistic 
> choice.
> Clearly, Crystalspace can't target the blockbuster market. So it must 
> focus on solutions for these artistic rendering choices. It'd be a great 
> "selling point" among the 3d engines market. Currently, I'd prefer Unity 
> for my commercial games. I'd change my mind immediately (and would 
> gladly donate) if the "CS sales pitch" talked about "anti-tedious 
> alternatives" and "no Ubisoft prod budget".
> Can't say more about specific technologies, since you are the ones who 
> are experts. I just suggest to think twice before starting to develop a 
> new feature or improve an old one, and focus on what a small studio 
> would need for a non-pretentious game.
> That's what I've wanted to say since I saw the recent GSoC subjects 
> (some quite opposite to this anti-blockbuster point of view).
> And as already said, easy asset integration is also a key matter.
> -
> Christophe
> CS user for the project "La Fugue Orpheline"
> ... and maybe one day for a commercial game.


Your point is well made and something all members of the projects need
to be mindful of.

Progress is a word I use a lot. But progress does not just mean
supporting the latest hardware and software. Progress is also looking
back to keep solid support for older hardware and following standards to
allow the projects user(s) to decide how they wish to develop their
application(s) and what level of feature support they wish to expose and

We should begin discussion on this and see to what extent we would wish
to take this?



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